Accelerated Reader
At Pleckgate, we have invested in the Accelerated Reader (AR) programme as part of our wider reading strategy across the school. AR is a reading package aimed at engaging pupils in learning through ensuring they have appropriate reading material according to their ability and interests. AR also provides pupils with access to over 210,000 quizzes in and nearly 2,000 nonfiction articles, to deliver abundant reading choice.
Every term, pupils will complete a STAR reading test in school. This will give each pupil an additional STAR reading age, a book level and a reading target. Following each term’s STAR test, the pupil’s reading age should be showing improvement. Following the first STAR test of the year, each pupil will be asked to read a book from their book level. When they have finished the book, they will log onto the Accelerated Reader website to complete a quiz on the book they have read. Pupils must achieve 60% or more to pass the quiz. Pupils can quiz regularly on their iPads and gain points for the number of quizzes passed.
Pupils’ achievements for reading and quizzing are then rewarded with certificates and recognised on display boards around school. One of the biggest goals that pupils are encouraged to aim for is to gain the title of ‘Millionaire Reader’; for reading over a million words and is celebrated for all pupils.

“Pupils, including those from less advantaged backgrounds and those with SEND, know and remember more in the subjects they study. This helps them to progress through the curriculum and attain well in most of the qualifications they take.”
Ofsted 2023