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School will be closed from Monday 21 October – Friday 25 October and will reopen on Monday 28 October.

Principles of Pleckgate Remote Learning

The key principles of Remote Learning at Pleckgate High School:

  • High quality, lesson presentations and associated resources will be available through google classroom.
  • Lessons will be high-quality and align as closely as possible with in-school provision.
  • All remote learning lessons will be delivered through the google classroom & google meet platforms.
  • Lesson routines will continue. Pupils should access the google classroom at the time they would have been attending lessons in school.
  • Every lesson will have direct teacher instruction whether it be pre-recorded, feedback via google classroom or ‘live’ learning.
  • Work will be expected to be routinely submitted for marking and feedback. Feedback may be personalised written annotations directly onto a pupils work, typed Google classroom comments, verbal feedback both in lessons and recorded into the google classroom, or whole class feedback.

At Pleckgate, every pupil has an iPad and this will be the primary means for pupils to continue to learn. Pupils who are at home, are required to follow their usual timetable with teachers providing remote learning resources for every lesson through Google classroom and regular live learning to support this. The joining code for each google classroom has been shared in advance with all pupils and your child should have access to all of their subjects. If there are any issues then pupils should contact their teacher straight away. Google classroom and live lesson meeting codes allow us to ensure that only the Pleckgate pupils are invited and their teacher are able to access the live lesson and communicate together. Any meeting ID and passwords must never be shared with any other person and these codes should never be shared or publicised on social media. Parents and pupils are reminded that the schools behaviour policy and Remote Learning code of conduct apply to pupils who are learning remotely.

We monitor the engagement of all remote learning, and where there are concerns these will be raised with parents quickly via a phone call home. We also need your support to ensure that pupils attend every lesson and are engaging fully in their work. We recommend that you ensure that your child has practiced using Google classroom at home and support them with getting into good routines for remote learning.

Additional support for pupils with particular needs

How will you work with me to help my child who needs additional support from adults at home to access remote education?

We recognise that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils. In the first instance, if you are struggling with remote education please contact the school immediately so we can put additional support in place.

The person in school with responsibility for remote learning is Mr R Hamilton (Deputy Headteacher)

Remote Learning Examples

Safeguarding of Remote Learning

Safeguarding – To safeguard our entire school community, pupils must adhere to our strict guidelines for Remote Live Learning as outlined below:

  • We expect pupils to be safe users of technology at home or at school. We will endeavour to teach pupils about safe and appropriate use of digital technology. We will continue to monitor the use of the iPads.
  • Pupils and parents must understand that inappropriate online behaviour will result in sanctions.
  • Pupils will only be able to join a live lesson with a meeting ID and password which will be shared through their Google Classroom.
  • During a live lesson, pupils will be able to hear and/or see their teachers. However, pupils should not be able to use their cameras so they will not be able to see each other. Pupils will be able to communicate with the teacher through the typed chat function.
  • All pupil cameras and microphones will be disabled by the teacher for live lessons. However, it would be useful to develop good habits for the future and we advise that pupils are logged in to the session in a communal area (e.g. not their bedroom) with a neutral background and no personal items on display and are appropriately dressed (e.g. not pyjamas). School uniform is not required.
  • At all times, the pupil’s camera must remain switched off.
  • At all times, unless directed otherwise by the teacher, the pupil’s microphone function must remain switched off.
  • Only the teacher will allow pupils to unmute the pupils’ microphones if they want to ask or respond to a question raised by the pupil during a live lesson.
  • We hope that parents will be able to check in with their children during the live lessons.
  • Pupils must be logged into Google classroom at least 5 minutes before the lesson is due to begin.
  • Pupils need to be prepared. Bring equipment that would be needed for that subject (for example have your History book ready if you have a History lesson) to the live lesson.
  • When signing in for their live lesson, pupils must use their full name.
  • Recording or taking images by pupils during live lessons are strictly prohibited.
  • The school will record all live lessons. For recorded live lessons published on Google Classroom, this allows pupils to go back to the lesson to refresh their memory when completing any further learning or tasks related to this topic. The live lessons will also be recorded for the purposes of safeguarding and support. They will be archived securely within Google Classroom and not publicly accessible. Pupils must not share their Google Classroom logins.
  • Recorded lessons stored on Google Classroom must not be copied or shared with any other person, internal or external to the school. There will be no references to pupil names and there will be no recordings of pupil voices in any lessons that are recorded and then shared with other pupils on Google Classroom.
  • Any misconduct will result in the teacher removing the pupil from the live lesson.
  • School rules apply online too.

We will continually review our Remote Learning offer to improve the experience for pupils and hope that the combination of lesson by lesson resources, teacher instruction, activities and feedback will ensure your child’s education continues to thrive regardless of the setting. In order for the Remote Learning strategy to work, I wanted to thank you in advance for supporting your child and the school in understanding their role in engaging with learning at home with the same effort they would in school.

Advice and FAQs


When accessing YouTube, we recommend to use Google Chrome instead of Safari for better performance. Google Chrome is installed on all iPads.

Google Meet

If the link doesn’t work in Google Classroom, copy the Meet link into the Google Meet app (Installed on on all iPads).

“It is determined that pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), benefit fully from the school’s rich and inspiring offer.”

Ofsted 2024

Ofsted Outstanding Provider
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