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Our options event for Year 9 parents will be held on Thursday 23rd January at 5pm.

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Policy

Please read more about how we inform about careers at Pleckgate High School by looking at our CEIAG Learning Journey 

Our trust careers policy can be seen here on our policies page

Vision and Purpose

Pleckgate High School is committed to improving the life chances of our pupils, encouraging them to follow the school motto, ‘Aspire, Believe, Act and Succeed’.  The world of work and employment is constantly changing and we believe that our pupils need to have a well structured CEIAG programme tailored to their needs in order to guide them in making well informed decisions about their future.  The CEIAG programme plays a major role for all of our pupils by catering for their interests, abilities and individual needs.

  • Empower young people to plan and manage their futures
  • Respond to the needs of the learner
  • Provide comprehensive information and advice
  • Raise aspirations
  • Actively promote equality of opportunity and challenges of stereotypes
  • Helps young people progress
  • Track and monitor all pupils including micro populations to ensure they receive appropriate CEIAG.
  • Track and monitor NEET figures to ensure CEIAG procedures are fit for purpose



A career is a “course or progress through life, preparing for the next stage and advancing oneself”. Careers education, advice and guidance at Pleckgate follows a whole school approach and is a key aspects of all pupils’ learning. It is our endeavour to support all pupils at all key stages through this challenge in order to help them to develop into well rounded individuals in preparation for life beyond school.



All pupils are entitled:

  • to find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeship opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point;
  • to hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events;
  • to understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.



Effective CEIAG will provide opportunities for pupils to:

  • Investigate and implement career/post school opportunities
  • Have the skills, knowledge and attitude to make well-informed, realistic decisions
  • Pupils should be able to plan their future choices and understand how to access CEIAG
  • Pupils should also understand how educational achievements are linked to maximising their potential future choices
  • To actively engage with employers to ensure that young people get to experience a workplace setting

Gatsby Benchmarks

Pleckgate High School uses the Gatsby Benchmarks to guide the CEIAG programme: Click here for further information


Evaluation has a crucial role to play in ensuring that the pupils’ needs are being met and in determining the extent to which the CEIAG programme is meeting its declared aims and outcomes. Details of monitoring and evaluation can be seen here: Monitoring and Evaluation


The Careers policy should be read in conjunction with ‘Careers guidance and inspiration in schools’ document [DfE March 2015], ‘Careers guidance and access for education and training providers’ document [DfE January 2018]. It also relates to the Inspiration vision statement’ published by the government in September 2013 and Ofsted’s ‘Going in the right direction report’ ‘Every Child Matters’, and Statutory Guidance: Impartial Careers Education 2010, Quality, Choice and Aspirations 2009.



Governing body and specifically careers link governor
Liam O’Doherty: To ensure that the school is compliant with legislation and to enable an annual evaluation of careers within the school

Deputy Head Teacher
R Hamilton:
To enable an annual evaluation of careers within the school ensuring a clear strategy for advice and guidance, this is appropriately resourced and meets the school’s legal requirements.

Assistant Headteacher
S Cadman
(line manager of CEIAG): To plan a strategic approach to the CEIAG in line with the School Improvement Strategy. To oversee the CEIAG teams with specific focus on vulnerable groups within the schools cohort.

Z Faruki:
To ensure that the school maintains its high level of CEIAG provision for all pupils at all times effectively ensuring the CEIAG is delivered.

Pastoral and SEND team
To oversee the teams they hold responsibility for and ensure appropriate CEIAG is delivered to all pupils within their managed areas in collaboration with the CEIAG Coordinator.

Heads of Departments
To oversee the teams they hold responsibility for and ensure appropriate CEIAG is delivered to all pupils within their managed areas in collaboration with the CEIAG Coordinator.

Tutors and Teachers
To deliver appropriate CEIAG to all pupils and signpost pupils to the CEIAG coordinator where specialist/further information is required.



This section of our policy statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997. If you are interested in provider access, our management of provider access requests can be seen here:  Management of provider access requests


A provider wishing to request access should contact Z Faruki, CEIAG lead, Telephone: 01254 249134; Email:

Premises and facilities

If an in-school meeting is arranged: The school will make the main hall, classrooms or private meeting rooms available for discussions between the provider and pupils, as appropriate to the activity. The school will also make available AV and other specialist equipment to support provider presentations. This will all be discussed and agreed in advance of the visit with the Careers Leader or a member of their team.

Providers are welcome to send a digital copy of their prospectus or other relevant course literature to the CEIAG Lead Zehra Faruki. This information will then be distributed through our online Careers classroom for all pupils to access.

(CEIAG Information Review date June 2024)

“Staff deliver a well ordered programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance across all year groups”

Ofsted 2023

Ofsted Outstanding Provider
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