We are delighted at Pleckgate to be oversubscribed once more and we welcomed 275 year 7 pupils to join us this year. Some of our new pupils wanted to share their stories with you of their experiences at Pleckgate.
Last year, I was in the same position you are in right now, so I know how you are feeling!
I moved to Pleckgate from Lammack Primary School, where I had attended for seven years. As you can imagine, the thought of leaving Lammack to attend a completely different school was quite daunting. I spent a lot of my time worrying about the move to high school. However, now that I think about it, I realise I had nothing to worry about! When we were choosing our high schools I worried that I wouldn’t get in the same schools as my friends. When we found out which schools we had been accepted into, I was lucky enough to have most of my close friends with me. However, I still keep in contact with all my old friends who didn’t come to the same high school as me.
On my first day, as I put on the Pleckgate uniform, I felt proud to be part of the school. As the days went by, I got used to everything about high school and it felt like I’d always attended this school. I found the teachers and the students at Pleckgate to be welcoming and caring which made the transition from Primary so much easier.
Recently, I have attended an after school netball club and I hope to be selected to represent Pleckgate at tournaments. There are many clubs you can join, even if you’ve never played or taken part in an activity before. We are encouraged to always try something new. Finally, Pleckgate has a brilliant library which has a wide selection of books available from Manga to Vampire Diaries, novels to biographies.
I hope this message has given you a little bit more confidence for when you come to Pleckgate next year.
I look forward to seeing you when you start.
When I was in year 6, I was quite worried about going to high school. My primary school wasl St Michael With St John CE – a small school where I knew everyone. Everything that I was going to experience at Pleckgate was going to be completely new. (You’re in a school filled with new faces, new surroundings and new spaces). I didn’t know how I’d settle in with everyone. It was very unfortunate that I had to leave some of my old friends who were going to a different school – these were classmates that I had been used to learning with for years.
However, all of my worries went away as soon as I got used to Pleckgate. This is a fabulous school and I will guarantee that you will make many new friends here. Primary will feel like a lifetime ago. It may be a big school, but you will definitely find your way around eventually. I found my way around this school within a few weeks. There are an endless amount of exciting opportunities you will receive regularly. Your first day will be very different from what you usually encounter in primary school, but I promise there are so many people that will help you around or answer any questions.
There is nothing to be afraid of or about. You will have the best time here. You will make many new friends and feel like you shouldn’t have been worried about moving to Year 7 in the first place. However, I know at this point many things are running through your mind right now, but please try to prepare yourself for an exciting journey. Your high school experience will actually turn out very nicely and you won’t have to worry or stress over anything. You will not have any major problems, though, if you do, there are many helpful teachers and older students that can help you.
I hope to see you soon – have a wonderful time on your open day visits,
Hello future Year Sevens,
My name is Ayaan and I am 11years old. I would like to welcome you to Pleckgate High School. I am currently in year 7 and I was very overwhelmed about the thought of going into high school. When I started at Pleckgate, I was worried about making new friends because not all of my friends were going to the same school as me.
I remember my first day at Pleckgate; we all sat in the hall and met our new teachers. Then, we met our tutors and they were all so welcoming. They showed us around the school and, at first, it felt like I was in a maze but after a few days I got the hang of it.
On the first days at Pleckgate high school you will only have a few lessons to get the feel of what it’s like to be in high school. If you are unsure about anything, don’t worry, you will receive a handout with all the information of what you need so that you know what to bring to school. If you do have any concerns just ask the teachers, they’re all very supportive and they always help. Also, don’t worry about getting lost in the first few weeks. All the students are very helpful and guide you to find your way. I would also like to mention the pastoral support given by teachers at Pleckgate, as student’s emotional well-being is very important to them. Nothing is ever too much trouble.
Being part of Pleckgate High School means high quality teaching resources. Can you believe it? We all get an IPad! When you get your IPads, all the teachers will help you with your login so there’s no need to get nervous. Also when you show good behaviour and focused attitude towards learning, you get prices on a Friday and you might even get to go on school trips. They’re really fun! Hard work is highly appreciated at Pleckgate High School where teachers give students achievement points for contributing in lessons.
Pleckgate High School has after school clubs like football, gym, table tennis, netball and so many more. There’s something interesting for everyone.
What else can I say? Thank you for reading. Hope you have a good first day in Pleckgate high school.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Future Year 7 Pupil,
Hi! My name is Muhammad and I am 12 years old. I went to St James’s primary school.
If you are currently sitting there, worried about starting secondary school then you are feeling the same way I was. In Year 6, I was disturbed I couldn’t concentrate in lessons. I was always thinking about secondary school. Lots of people say that high school is horrible and the teachers will be strict but trust me, although it’s different from Primary School, you will love it!
Now I’m going to talk about Pleckgate in more detail. First of all the teachers are very supportive and they will always help you – that’s my promise!
Now let’s talk about the opportunities you will get at high school. At Pleckgate, You will get to experience more lessons which you will enjoy a lot. I have really enjoyed cooking and information technology. In sport lessons, you will be able to play football, netball, cricket and an even wider variety in after-school clubs. I love that we have PE twice a week. This helps me to feel fit and strong. I love the games we play and the sprinting competitions.
And lastly, I want to mention that Pleckgate is a great place to learn and you don’t need to be afraid of anything.
Yours sincerely,
Dear future Year 7,
My name is Yazeed Almaz and I am going to tell you my experience of leaving primary school and going to high school. I’ll also tell you how my time is going so far in year 7.
From Lammack Primary School, I moved to Pleckgate high school which, for me, was upsetting, worrying and exciting at the same time. I promise you – this IS a completely normal way to feel. When experiencing a big change such as a change of schools, remember you are not alone! Hundreds of children will be going through exactly what you are.
Even though it was a bit nerve racking on the first day of school, I made some really great friends and got to know all the teachers who are always there for the students if they need anything, which is great!
You should view highschool as a positive change – a chance to experience and have new opportunities. I have really enjoyed learning new subjects such as technology, PSHE and history which we hadn’t done in primary school.
You also get the chance to attend amazing trips in a variety of subjects! I am enjoying Pleckgate so far and I know you will too!
Good luck and I will be looking forward to seeing you in Pleckgate High School. Come and say “Hi!”
From Yazeed.
Dear Year 7 Pupil,
Firstly, I want you to know that Pleckgate High school is one of the best high schools in Blackburn with Darwen. Ofsted has rated it outstanding, but not for nothing…
I joined 3 weeks from the start of the school year, and I thought I wouldn’t fit in but, (despite the fact that I already had friends), the staff were very welcoming and I always had someone to talk to. Whether it was my tutor, Mr Pickup or any other member of the team, I was listened to and attended to.
Mr Pickup, the head of Year 7, made me realise that I’m not alone and that I’m allowed to ask for support at any time. You are no different! As he is a PE teacher, there has never been a moment where he hasn’t picked up on my netball playing. Sports is a very important thing in Pleckgate and they offer a wide variety of clubs at break, lunch and after school. But it’s not only sports clubs that are available – the staff also offer activities ranging from vocal lessons to gym club.
A high school choice isn’t an easy one to decide (I should know), but just be aware that Pleckgate will support you, through thick and thin. I hope that you believe this wonderful school is ready and prepared to help you achieve your goals for the future because I sure am…
Aspire and believe. Act and succeed.
Go team Pleckgate 🙂
Yours sincerely,
“This school has really made me feel welcome, despite the fact that I joined later than others. I am proud to be a part of this school.”
A message from our pupils
Watch our pupils help you prepare for life at Pleckgate High School.
“The school and the trust are united in their aim to provide pupils with an education of exceptional quality.”
Ofsted 2024