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School will reopen on Tuesday 3 September – Year 7 – 8.20am and All other years – 11.10am

Hello and welcome!

I am delighted to introduce you to our amazing school and show you the many different things we can offer pupils.
Here at Pleckgate High School we have an outstanding pastoral support team who work hard to ensure pupils are safe and make sure that any issues within school are taken care of promptly. As soon as pupils start their journey at Pleckgate a tutor is allocated to them.

Pupils meet these teachers consistently every morning where they brief the students on upcoming events and make sure they are happy, safe and prepared for the day.
Pupils at Pleckgate have a wide range of opportunities to take on leadership roles which allow them to develop their confidence and give them valuable life skills. For example, the

Year 11 Prefect Team work together to assist teachers in the smooth running of the school, offering a further support mechanism for younger pupils and being great role models. Pupil members of the School Council canvass opinions of their peers and meet regularly with senior teachers. This gives them opportunities to have a real impact on how the school is run.

Pleckgate has outstanding facilities which pupils are able to use for their education. These include the 3G AstroTurf, premium IT suites, sports halls, music rooms, fitness suite and our library where the pupils can go to read and study quietly, both within and before and after the school day.

Being Head Boy has been a privilege, enabling me to evoke change so that our school can be an exceptional place to learn. I am very proud of my achievements at Pleckgate High School and have flourished as a result of the supportive, caring environment.

Daniyal, Head Boy

You may be wondering; what is it that sets Pleckgate High School apart from other schools? Well, from the moment pupils step foot into Pleckgate they’ll be able to see that it is a welcoming environment that caters to each and every pupil’s personal interests. Our school supports its pupils by offering a vast number of opportunities so that they can express themselves and excel.

During lunchtime and after school there are a range of extra-curricular activities that pupils can take part in. From sports like football to strategic games clubs such as chess. Our extra-curricular activities support pupils, not only with their mental well-being but some also support their physical health too which is vital in today’s society.

Throughout the year, pupils attend various different trips and visits with subjects that they study. Pupils that attend and perform well and show a consistently excellent work ethic are rewarded with leisure activities. Examples of these are trips to the cinema, bowling alley and laser tag.

To ensure that all pupils feel safe and welcome in the school environment, a group of older pupils are trained to provide support, known as anti-bullying ambassadors. They support with pupils’ well-being in and around school and make sure that students have a friendly face to talk to. Recently our school, alongside others in the EPT, have formed a collective anti- bullying charter that we are very proud of. As a result, bullying is very rare at Pleckgate.

Pupils at Pleckgate also have the opportunity to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme; developing important skills such as teamwork, resilience and problem solving. Additionally, pupils are able to connect with others and forge new friendships; all whilst making memories that will undoubtedly last a lifetime.

Personally, I think that this school has helped me to develop and grow into the person I am today. I feel proud to be a member of our school community and feel privileged to be representing our student body. The opportunities I have been given have strengthened my resilience so that I can pursue my ambitions after my time at Pleckgate High School.

Fatima, Head Girl

A message from our pupils

Watch our pupils tell you about life as a pupil at Pleckgate High School.

“The school helps pupils to understand the importance of being active citizens and contributing to the school and to the wider community.”

Ofsted 2024

Ofsted Outstanding Provider
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