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School will reopen on Tuesday 3 September – Year 7 – 8.20am and All other years – 11.10am

Disadvantaged Pupils

At Pleckgate High School, we believe that every child, regardless of background or social deprivation, should have equal opportunities for success. As such, we use Pupil Premium funding to overcome barriers to achievement for our disadvantaged pupils.

Pupil Premium funding is allocated to schools to provide financial support for pupils who:

  1. were registered as eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point in the last 6 years.
  2. were adopted from care, left care under a special guardianship order, child arrangements order or residence order.
  3. children who have been in local-authority care for 1 day or more also attract pupil premium funding. Funding for these pupils does not go to the school; it goes to the virtual school head (VSH) in the local authority that looks after the child.

Please open the document below to read our Pupil Premium strategy for 2023/24, including a review of Pupil Premium spending in 2022/23:

Please click here to read our Pupil premium and Recovery premium strategy

Support for pupils with literacy and numeracy

Disadvantaged pupils requiring intervention are identified using the New Group Reading Test (NGRT). Further diagnostic assessments are conducted with pupils displaying significant gaps in their reading proficiency. 

Struggling readers are identified using the Pleckgate Decision Tree  which ensures suitable interventions are provided in a timely fashion. Our staff receive excellent training in order to provide high-quality bespoke support for struggling readers.  

Pupils in receipt of interventions complete these 2-3 times per week and reading data is reviewed half termly. 

Pleckgate Decision Tree

“The Community of Pleckgate has a local secondary school it can be proud of.  It provides an excellent education for all its pupils. They flourish in a bright, positive and secure environment”

Ofsted 2019

Ofsted Outstanding Provider
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