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School will reopen on Tuesday 3 September – Year 7 – 8.20am and All other years – 11.10am

All Adding Up to Success

It’s all adding up to success at Pleckgate High School with mathematics GCSE results among the best in the country.

Under the new accountability measures for schools, Progress 8, Pleckgate were celebrating as they were once again above the national average – with plenty to shout about, especially in the maths department.

“The school’s 2016 mathematics results placed us in the top 3% of similar schools nationally, with our higher level learners ranked in the top 1% of similar schools,” said proud Head teacher Mark Cocker.

With the August GCSE results, Pleckgate were significantly above national averages with 76% of pupils making at least expected progress and 50% making better than expected of progress in mathematics.

Also 76% of pupils made at least expected progress and 38% made better than expected progress in English

“There are other numerous academic successes including recognition of strong performance compared to national progress indicators in science, languages and humanities,” continued Mr Cocker.

“I am particularly pleased with how our new year seven pupils who have settled into school life at Pleckgate.

“The number of pupils choosing Pleckgate this past year has significantly increased.

“Early indications also suggest that next year’s intake will be even larger, re-enforcing that Pleckgate is once again the school of choice in the area and that pupils who come here have the best opportunity to succeed.”

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