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School will be closed from Monday 21 October – Friday 25 October and will reopen on Monday 28 October.

British Science Week at Blackburn College

Eleven Year 9 Pleckgate pupils enjoyed a rollercoaster session when they visited Blackburn College as part of British Science Week!

They attended sessions on Chemistry, Biology and Physics with the theme of the day ‘Rollercoasters’ and their part in how they work.

The first session was Chemistry and the pupils looked at how to make a rollercoaster faster by using different alcohol and fuels.

The second session was Biology which focused on adrenalin and energy, including how a rollercoaster can affect your body and the biology of rollercoasters.

The pupils then all tested their pulses and heartbeats for 15 seconds at rest and then while walking, skipping, jumping and jogging and they converted this to BPM to look at the effects of exercise.

The third session was Physics where pupils examined the mass, weight and gravity of planets and then the mass and height of rollercoasters and how this can have an impact on the energy and speed.

Pupils tested this by building various tracks and loops and using different sizes and weights of cars to see how far they would get on the track using various levels of force.

Librarian Mrs Hanson said: “It was an exciting day for our pupils to visit Blackburn College and take part in exciting activities connected with British Science Week.

“The pupils were given the opportunity to take part in practical activities and ask any questions they had to the three Science teachers at the college.”


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