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School will be closed from Monday 17th Feb – Friday 21st Feb and will reopen on Monday 24th Feb.
Headteacher's Updates

Headteacher’s Update – April 2016

Dear Parents/Carers

Having now been Headteacher at Pleckgate High School for a term, I would like to again share with you how impressed I have been with your children and our dedicated staff.

I want to start by saying goodbye and thank you to Mr Bradshaw, who after nine years’ service to Pleckgate has moved to take up post as Headteacher of another school. We wish him all the best for the future and every success in his new role. I would also like to welcome Mr Pontifex to Pleckgate High School as Deputy Headteacher who will be joining us on our return from the Easter break.

Our year 11 pupils are working extremely hard to ensure the best possible chance of securing those excellent grades that we know they are capable of. I am very pleased to see so many pupils take advantage of the numerous revision sessions that are running during the two week break, they really are setting the tone for our current year 10’s who are close to embarking on their final year of secondary education. I would encourage you as parents and carers to spend time taking an interest in the revision and preparations your child is making for their examinations as your continued support is invaluable in focussing your child over the coming weeks.

Focussing on the younger end of the school, I am pleased to see that our year 7’s have now settled well into school life and the routines of a large secondary school. Only a few weeks ago we ran a fantastic family evening for our new year 6’s that saw the school hall packed with families, and hundreds of year 6’s experiencing some of the fantastic facilities and experiences that Pleckgate has to offer them. It was a pleasure to welcome so many new pupils into our school and have an opportunity to meet their families that we will be working closely with over the next five years.

I’m sure that you have also seen some of our good news articles on the school website. Whether it is educational visits, charity events, extra-curricular activities or the school’s super learning days, it is clear that Pleckgate High School is an exciting place to be.

Mark Cocker

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