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School will reopen on Tuesday 3 September – Year 7 – 8.20am and All other years – 11.10am

Pleckgate pupils have given the newly refurbished library the thumbs up!

Over the summer, the library has undergone extensive work to give it a major facelift.

There are new shelves, new tables, new chairs and new books which has made it a friendlier and more modern environment for learning and reading.

Librarian Mrs Hanson said: “It’s absolutely amazing. We have only just opened and the reaction from the pupils has all been positive, everyone wants to come in and have a look around. It’s the heart of the school.”

English teacher Mrs Jackson said: “All the pupils are excited to use the new library. There are new books which means there is something for everyone. It will encourage reading and studying.”

Year 8 were in the library for the first time.

Imaan said: “I like it, it’s different and classy.”

Simra said: “It’s a very good change, it’s a comfortable environment for learning.”

Sumayya said: “It’s the first time I have been in and I like it. It’s more spacious than the other library.”

Zaara added: “It’s really different. It will encourage me to read more.”

The Year 11 Prefect Librarians believe they now have the perfect job.

Safiyah said: “It makes our job a lot easier. We have to scan, put books away but also make sure people are respectful. The new layout helps us do this.”

Abi added: “I like the curved shelves and the extra seating. It’s more modern.”


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