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School will be closed from Monday 21 October – Friday 25 October and will reopen on Monday 28 October.

Pleckgate High School’s Religious Education department is golden!

The department has earned the coveted gold level RE Quality Mark.

The REQM recognises high quality RE and gives national recognition to the work done. 

It has two purposes: it recognises good practice in RE and also provides a powerful tool for development.

Head of RE is Jenny Savage, who works alongside Shahiesta Raja, Claire Wheatley, Sarah Belshaw and John Darbyshire, is proud of the award.

She said: “I applied for the REQM because, as a subject, we work hard to make a difference to our pupils both in their lessons and outside by offering a range of different opportunities throughout the school year.

“As a team we are really passionate about our subject and try and pass this on.”

The REQM assessors were impressed with Pleckgate. 

The report stated: “Religious Education at Pleckgate High School plays a pivotal role.

“It is a core subject and all pupils are enabled the opportunity to explore a variety of faiths and opinions.

“The subject is very active and the pupils are able to share their opinions and ask big questions throughout their school life.

“RE is a lively subject and the department works hard to ensure that pupils are given opportunities to explore faith through different experiences such as The Anne Frank Exhibition, Inter Faith Day and visits to places of worship.

“The Head of Department is passionate about the subject and leads the staff well in order for good and outstanding lessons to take place.

“The department teaches a variety of religions, which is important as nearly 95% of the school population is Muslim.

“The pupils appreciate and enjoy learning about other religions and say that it enhances their faith more. Pupils even commented that in learning about Islam for GCSE, they have learnt things about their own faith that they did not know before.

“It is clear that pupils at Pleckgate enjoy their RE lessons and share the same passion as their teachers. Pleckgate High School has an excellent RE department.”

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