Please click here for our activities on World Book Day
Our pupil Librarians enjoyed celebrating World Book Day this year by giving the Library a makeover. They were busy in the weeks running up to the big book event decorating the library with colourful bunting and displays promoting authors and books. A team of pupil Librarians worked hard on our book shelves making sure they were in perfect order before classes of pupils came to borrow books on WBD.
On World Book Day the pupil Librarians held a Book Mark making workshop and held the official WBD Big Bonanza Quiz in the Library so their peers could celebrate their enjoyment of reading and books. Pupils embraced this year’s World Book Day theme ‘share a story’ by talking, writing and creating a display based around their favourite books in the Library.
Around school the pupils and staff were busy decorating their classroom doors with depictions of their favourite stories and characters.