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School will reopen on Tuesday 3 September – Year 7 – 8.20am and All other years – 11.10am

AirSTEM at BAE Systems

A group of Year 10 and 11 pupils are visiting BAE Systems as their apprentice applications will open soon. 35 pupils will make a trip to the Salmesbury site to look at their Early Careers opportunities.

The sessions comprise of presentations, apprentice talks and tours of the training facility. The day will consist of a hangar overview, a career workshop, VR Cave demonstrations and Market stall room.

Head of Careers Mr Cadman said: “This is a great opportunity for our pupils to investigate careers at BAE Systems. Their apprenticeships are always competitive and a number of our pupils have had  successful apprenticeships at BAE Systems previously.”

“It’s good for our pupils to see what opportunities are out there close to home and what careers they can lead to.”

Pupils said: “BAE Systems has a strong reputation and it will be interesting to see what careers are available to us.”

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