Pleckgate’s Anti-Bullying Ambassadors are hoping they don’t have to put their tough training into action.
The Anti-Bullying Ambassadors are made up of 12 pupils from Year 10 and three pupils from Year 11 as the senior ABA’s.
“Pupils from both year groups completed written applications to express their interest in becoming an ABA prior to the training provided by the Diana Awards of which we were a host school,” said Learning and Pastoral Support Officer/LPSO Mrs Spence, who oversees the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors alongside Assistant Headteacher Mrs Robinson.
“The Heads of Year and LPSO’s made their decisions based on the applications.
“The pupils selected then undertook a full day’s training looking at what it means to be an ABA, exploring bullying behaviour and how to support peers, developing anti-bullying work within schools and campaign planning and are now recognised by the Diana Awards where we receive regular updates and access to support.”
All ABA’s are placed on a rota for break and lunchtime to be present on the Year 7 and 8 yard to be available for anyone to express any concerns they have around bullying behaviour or to observe if there is any such behaviour evident themselves such as people being isolated or not able to engage with other pupils and offer support.
“The ABA’s have also taken part in Year Group assemblies on bullying to introduce themselves so that the pupils know who to look out for and to discuss what bullying is, the impact of bullying and how they can make a difference,” continued Mrs Spence.
Anti-Bulling week is Monday 14th November – Friday 18th November with the theme of ‘Reach Out,’
Mrs Spence added: “Our ABA’s will be taking part in a number of activities including the promoting of wearing odd socks to mark the event to encourage people to celebrate their individuality and accept that we are all different and unique.
“They will also deliver assemblies, work with other schools in the Education Partnership Trust to complete an agreement /charter on anti-bullying and encouraging pupils to take part in an anti-bullying poster competition.
“ABA’s are also required to attend regular meetings to discuss ideas for the continual promotion of anti-bullying at Pleckgate High School by organising events such as colour runs, inter faith/culture days and videos/information for the school website.”