Dear Parents/Carers
May I take this opportunity to welcome your child back to Pleckgate, after what I hope has been a restful summer holiday. I would also like to extend a warm welcome to our new year 7 pupils, who represent another significant increase in the number of parents and pupils selecting Pleckgate as their first school of choice.
I am delighted that Pleckgate pupils have once again achieved excellent GCSE results, surpassing all previous years, as well as being significantly above national averages, with 72% of pupils achieving a grade 4+ (equivalent to a grade C+) in English & Maths and 52% achieving the new grade 5+ in English & Maths; 28 pupils achieved the highest grade 9 in either English or Maths. Pleckgate will almost certainly see a further increase in terms of the new accountability measure for schools – Progress 8 with our 2015, 2016 and 2017 scores all significantly above the national average.
All pupils are involved in the first Super Learning Day on Thursday 14th September and school will close for all pupils at 1pm. Our annual Open Evening will be on the same day from 5pm to 8pm followed by our Open Morning Event on Saturday 16th September between 9.30am and 12pm for prospective parents and new pupils, who I would be grateful if you would encourage them to join us.
I am very proud of the new branding for the school, including the new school uniform; pupils look smart and represent our school very well. There have also been extensive improvements to the school building over the summer, including new dining facilities in the Winter Garden, a new pupil alumni gallery to share the successes of past Pleckgate pupils.
I look forward to a positive start to the new academic year and ask for you to help us by guiding your children to show respect for our school ethos of Aspire & Believe, Act & Succeed. I would also be grateful if you would ensure that your children arrive to school on time, wearing the correct uniform and school shoes, not trainers. We are also a ‘Healthy Eating School’ and we do not encourage pupils to bring fizzy drinks, sweets or crisps to school. The school canteen provides a wide range of meals and snacks and has won numerous awards for their healthy meeting menu.
I look forward to meeting you during this academic year and thank you for your continued support.
Best Wishes
Mark Cocker