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Our options event for Year 9 parents will be held on Thursday 23rd January at 5pm.

Religion and Worldviews

Head of Department
Mrs J Savage


  • BA Hons in Religious Studies
  • PGCE Secondary Education and RE

“I believe that the only true religion consists of having a good heart”
Dalai Lama

Religion and Worldviews aims to develop creative, thoughtful and confident pupils through a challenging programme of study that allows pupils to explore the five main religions as well as discussing ethical issues that surround society.  Our curriculum is designed using the Blackburn with Darwen Agreed Syllabus consideration of local and cultural backgrounds and the needs of our pupils. Pupils continually build on the core skills of outlining, explaining, using sources of wisdom and authority, evaluating and analysing as well as empathy, reflection, speaking, listening and reading from their very first lesson in year 7, which allows for a progressive 5-year programme of study.

Pleckgate pupils are prepared to take part in the development of tomorrow’s rapidly changing world. Religion and Worldviews contribute greatly to understanding the diversity of our community and the world  whilst helping to foster pupils’ own cultural, social, spiritual and moral development. The lessons learned in Religion and Worldviews allow young people growing up in a diverse society to understand the views and opinions of people whose beliefs and values differ from their own, whilst giving them a safe space to reflect on their own ideas and develop their thoughts about questions of meaning and ethics. The issues of religion and belief discussed in lessons frequently top the news agenda and we help pupils make sense of them. We are creating the critical thinkers and philosophers of the future as well as creating opportunities for young people to develop their skills of dialogue, interpretation and analysis -all vital skills in a modern workforce where communication, collaboration and cooperation are core skills.

Alongside our core curriculum, we offer a range of enrichment activities for all year groups to bring the subject to life. This includes visits to religious places of worship, GCSE conferences, video-conferencing with pupils across the world, e.g. Palestine, work with the Anne Frank Trust UK, Holocaust Memorial activities and work with Solutions Not Sides.  We also have an annual inter-faith day where Blackburn with Darwen’s interfaith council come in to school to talk to pupils and hold a weekly ‘Being Human Club’, where pupils meet to discuss answers to ‘big questions’  and  organise charity events.

Please note, every subject exercise book your child has contains a subject ‘Pleckgate Learning Journey’ that outlines the content covered, timelines and assessment points for the current year.

We are extremely proud to announce that Jenny Savage has been short-listed for a coveted Times Education Supplement (TES) Award.

Mrs J Savage

“The school ensures that pupils have the necessary knowledge and skills to benefit from the curriculum.”

Ofsted 2024

Ofsted Outstanding Provider
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